
A Tool to Transform Quality Inspections

With augmented reality visual inspections, Visometry Twyn is transforming the process of validating the quality and suitability of parts, components, and assemblies.

Visual Quality Inspection with AR

Twyn enables you to conduct a quick and easy variance analysis with immediate results: You can compare manufactured items against their digital twins using AR overlays to identify deviations between the target and the actual in real time.

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Interactive Variance Analysis in AR

AR accurately and consistently overlays the CAD design directly onto the inspected object, providing access to 3D geometry data and additional details, such as production notes or material properties. This allows deviations between the target and the actual object to be immediately visible.

Automatic, Real-Time Tracking & Registration

Twyn utilizes the tablet’s camera to automatically register and track manufactured items in real time. It provides precise marker-less detection and tracking of inspected items based on CAD models. This forms the foundation for swift yet accurate visual comparisons, eliminating the need for pre-preparations or markers when analyzing parts.

Tracking cache

With Twyn you can speed up tracking initialization.

How? You can save anchor poses in a tracking cache. In addition to the initialization pose, these anchor poses serve as entry points to begin tracking. They can be easily and automatically created during the inspection. Once a tracking cache has been saved, it is directly applied to all new sessions of the same inspection project.

Camera-Based Automatic Deviation Detection

Leveraging the capabilities of the tablet camera, the vision-based automatic deviation detection assists users during inspections. In AR, deviations are automatically highlighted with different colors, such as when attachment parts are displaced or drill holes are not in their target position.

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Optimized Workflow

Load CAD model, set inspection start point, transfer to iPad — three clicks are all it takes to begin inspections.

The setup based on CAD twins and the automatic optical recognition enable immediate use of the system directly on-site.

Inspection Points for Complex Parts

Twyn’s spatial “inspection points” enable you to pinpoint specific areas that require special attention.

Instead of relying on a broad overview of the entire object, multiple features can be categorized and consolidated. This approach ensures a precise, intuitive, and faster way to conduct inspections and document observations and results. Once verified, inspection points are highlighted with dedicated indicators and visualized with distinct colors, allowing you to easily track the status of each inspected feature.

Interactive Zooming & Clipping

The lens tool empowers users to conveniently examine large or complex objects by magnifying specific areas, facilitating detailed inspections of small features or hard-to-reach points. Interactive clipping and other viewing options provide a straightforward visual comparison between the target and the actual object in AR, ensuring a rapid yet thorough inspection.

Inspection Plans

For recurring inspections or complex inspection routines, Twyn provides valuable guidance to operators through step-by-step instructions presented as comprehensive checklists.

This ensures consistent procedures, results, and documentation, irrespective of the users or their level of experience.

»Pause & Resume«

Scheduling quality inspection sessions should be as flexible as possible.

With the new ›Pause and Resume‹ functionality, sessions can now be paused and resumed exactly where they were stopped, without any loss of information or negative impact on the data already captured. This marks another important step in helping companies plan and execute their quality inspection activities in a way that is fully responsive to their organizational needs.

Inspection Viewpoints

Visual indicators utilize 3D pointers to mark and highlight points of interest, simplifying inspections of complex assemblies by guiding users to critical features. This approach guarantees consistent results and standardized inspection documentation.

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Comprehensive Inspection Data

Twyn facilitates the thorough documentation of quality inspection results. Markups and annotations enhance traceability and streamline communication between quality, production and construction teams.

Additionally, with a camera always in place, Twyn enables the capture of images of relevant features, underpinning efficient and comprehensive reporting.


Customizable, Digital Reports

Branded and customizable reports provide concise summaries of inspection results. They can be exported in various formats (e.g. XLS, CSV, or PDF) and easily shared with quality and production teams, as well as suppliers.

Flexible Import & Export – Wireless and Across Locations

With Twyn Studio, quality managers and inspectors working remotely at different Twyn workstations can access a shared database and exchange individual project files.

This eliminates redundancy and duplication. Inspection data can be seamlessly exported from Twyn Studio and imported into Twyn View remotely, ensuring smooth project transfer and consistent procedures across various locations.

What’s more, Twyn not only enables organizations to share inspection results in various formats but also supports multiple channels, including cloud, Microsoft Teams, and email.

Different stakeholders can share data regardless of their IT infrastructures, offering maximum flexibility and control over content sharing.

CAD Color Visualization

Effective CAD visualization is crucial to support unambiguous part inspection with AR.

CAD colors are now supported in both Twyn Studio and View, providing companies the flexibility to customize and choose optimal visualizations for their inspection processes and sessions.

Even during on-site sessions, specific colors can be selected for different parts, while contours are displayed with different colors, width, and intensity.

For instance, in an automotive assembly, components from different suppliers can be visualized and identified with specific colors, making it easier to compare nominal data and manufactured parts.

Moreover, the use of CAD colors helps not only distinguish objects but also facilitates linking and sharing additional part information, such as material details.

CAD Model Preparation in Twyn Studio

Due to often complex CAD models, inspections can be time-consuming, costly, and challenging, often involving the use of multiple software platforms.

Twyn simplifies this process by offering the capability to prepare, simplify, and optimize CAD structures, eliminating irrelevant details for inspection routines.

This streamlines and expedites quality inspections, especially for very complex parts.

CAD data provided by Twyn is optimized for mobile devices: Requiring minimal setup time, quality inspectors can immediately focus on their inspection tasks as procedures are directly managed within Twyn Studio, eliminating the need for additional software.

Multi-Language Support

Both Twyn Studio and Twyn View are available in multiple languages.

Twyn supports Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish, and Turkish for both the user interface and reporting. What’s more, languages can even be set separately for inspection and reporting.
This feature not only further enhances the user experience but also allows organizations to optimize collaboration across locations by allowing reports to be shared in multiple languages.

Get inspections done faster.

Start your free trial of Twyn and test the AR-powered inspection platform for 30 days.

Code Scanner

Twyn enables operators to link parts with inspection procedures and documents using their IDs. Regardless of the user conducting the quality check, simply by scanning the ID, the corresponding inspection process and proof plan are accessed and executed instantly.

Markup Tool

Users can utilize a pen tool to highlight and categorize deviations and aberrations and add annotations. This facilitates comprehensive reporting and enhances communication between the quality and production teams.

Session Recordings

Users can record images and sensory data during inspections and later replay them on their computers from remote locations. This allows for detailed inspection analysis at any time, freeing them from the constraints of a specific location or time.

CAD / 3D Support

Twyn supports the standard and most relevant 3D CAD formats for industrial and manufacturing applications — eliminating the need for prior conversion. These formats include JT, STEP, and IGES, among others.

CAD Optimization and Visualization

A best-in-class CAD optimization algorithm automatically prepares models for AR. This enables users to work with their original CAD files without the need for compression, all while ensuring unambiguous and high-quality rendering tailored for industrial applications.

Codeless Augmented Reality

Twyn allows users to author quality inspection workflows without writing a single line of code, making it easy to define and conduct visual quality inspections even without any AR expertise.

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Verified. At a Glance.

Watch how customers leverage Twyn and learn more about its features. See it in action in our media section.

One Technology Partner

Visometry is in control of the complete technology stack.

From image processing (› VisionLib) for high-performance detection and tracking, to our intuitive and out of the shelf quality software platform (› Twyn), you have one single partner to define and implement your entire quality inspection processes.

› More About Visometry

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