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XR Week

Save the date for our talk:
Wednesday, May 19, 9:00 AM (CEST)

“Increase Production Quality while Decreasing Costs – ​
How to successfully implement AR in manufacturing to meet quality goals.”

Click here for the full agenda


In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic with all its restrictions, Germany’s annual XR Expo has turned into an XR WEEK this time, happening from May 17 to 21, 2021.

Join our team as we present our latest developments of VisionLib and all new Twyn, which is our first solution built for visual inspections in the manufacturing industry. Powered by Augmented Reality using VisionLib, it enables engineers to augment reality captured objects with their digital twins so to speak.

In our talk, our CPO Harald Wuest will present how small and big businesses can successfully install AR in manufacturing, production, service and #quality control with our solutions VisionLib and Twyn.

Harald has especially focused on Twyn, which unlike VisionLib is a ready-to-use solution that helps companies to get their quality right faster. Learn more on Twyn’s product page.

It’s going to be interesting 30 minutes with insights from pilot customers, who could improve entire processes and save massive time to speed and increase their quality process.


Why join? XR Week is a great place to learn about the latest developments in the fields of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality, to exchange ideas, and to network. Register here.

Event Details

Learn more about our industrial AR technology and solutions, VisionLib & Twyn:

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