Twyn Giveaway – Winners have been drawn.

Industrial Augmented Reality –

And Leading Computer Vision Technologies

AR is a technology to bridge gaps between the digital and real world, delivering critical information in the context of work or guiding us where to focus next.

Even more, AR is a new paradigm that transforms and enhances how we work, learn, and connect with the world around us.

Our AR Solutions

Digital Transformation with Augmented Reality

Whether in production, maintenance, or after-sales, AR has firmly established itself in the portfolio of industrial solutions. Computer vision technologies are a key driver for this success.

Visometry offers AR and computer vision solutions for software development and quality assurance, assisting organizations in their digital transformation journey.

With expertise in both AR and leading tracking technologies, Visometry solutions deliver the accuracy and reliability necessary for AR to add true value to your business.


Enterprise-Grade Tracking SDK for Those Looking to Create Industrial AR Applications

VisionLib is our object tracking SDK for industrial augmented reality. It serves as the foundation for a wide range of AR applications requiring high-performance object recognition and precise tracking – from augmenting objects to blending, overlaying, or pinning digital information onto reality.

Created for software development: VisionLib offers convenient access to leading tracking technology, a comprehensive API, and straightforward integration.


Faster Visual Inspections & Target/Actual Comparisons With the Full Potential of AR & Computer Vision

Twyn is a mobile AR software platform for visual quality inspection. Fast and intuitive, it enables the creation of inspection plans and the execution of quality inspections right on the production floor.

Perfect for manufacturers: With AR and leading tracking technology, Twyn is our solution for users who want to streamline quality control, leveraging emerging technology and without having to worry about its inner workings.